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HomeAppliancesUK.com for Semi Integrated Washing Machines

HomeAppliancesUK offers listings for all makes and types of washing machines models. We make it easy for you to find a cheap deal on your washing machine purchase. Washing machines are graded from 'A' to 'E' for wash, spin and energy efficiency, "A" being the best.

Semi Integrated Washing Machines

You can purchase an semi integrated washing machine from the retailers on the bar on the right hand side of this page.

Semi Integrated Washing Machines

SemiIntegrated Washing Machines

Get a cheap deal today on semi integrated laundry appliances for your kitchen. When buying a semi integrated washing machines make sure it has the spinh speed that siuts your needs, the higher the spin speed the less time it will take to dry your clothes. There are various spin speeds available including 800rpm, 1000rpm, 1100rpm, 1200rpm, 1400rpm, 1500rpm, 1600rpm and others.

Below are a selection of Semi Integrated Washing Machine Offers:

The Co-operative Electrical
The Co-operative Electrical

Appliance City
Tribal UK
Tribal UK
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© 2006 - 2009 HomeAppliancesUK.com - Updated on the 13th November 2009